Book Reviews - Young Teens

The Torchbearer - Review

This fictional story depicts Paul's life from birth to the end of his first missionary journey.

The Whole Armor of God

The Whole Armor of God is set during the reign of King Jotham when many in Israel forsook the ways of Yahweh. This delightful novel follows Malchiah, a young adventurous Rechabite, who is part of a remnant of the faithful.

Good and Beautiful - Booklist Review

A homeschool program booklist with a high standard for quality literature. The review includes why particular books are included or excluded.

Recommended Children's Literature

A booklist compiled from various Christadelphian parents favorite books.

Victory on the Walls - Book Review

a fast paced fictional book set in the times of Nehemiah

Story of the Kings of Israel and Judah - Book Review

The books of Kings and Chronicles are full of exciting stories, however it can be difficult sometimes to put them together. This book pieces the history together and makes a very readable bedtime story.

Book Reviews - Older Teens and Adults

A Time To... Series

by SJ Knight.
These lively bible-based novels explore how New Testament events may have affected the lives of ordinary people of the day. Characters based realistically on cultural and spiritual norms are depicted with empathy and integrity, involving the reader closely in the scriptural narrative.

The Enormous Tiny Experiment

by Anna Tikvah.
This series of 4 novels is based on a rather zany, impossible plot which provides a framework to explore the love and purpose God has for His creation from an entirely different point of view.

Cornelia's Story

The book is a pleasurable cross between story and historical information. While a young adult might find the book full of facts and details that would move it slightly out of the realm of a “for fun” read, yet following Cornelia through first century life makes the book more appealing than simply reading facts from historical resources.

Story of the Kings of Israel and Judah - Book Review

The books of Kings and Chronicles are full of exciting stories, however it can be difficult sometimes to put them together. This book pieces the history together and makes a very readable bedtime story.

It is Written

by Jason Hensley.
This book provides quick access to Scripture passages on 40 different Biblical subjects––both doctrinal and meditational. It is certainly not exhaustive, but it is small enough to be kept in a Bible case, so that it can be readily available when you have a few minutes of free time to think upon or memorize God’s Word.

Beginning with the Bible

by Jason Hensley. What is God’s purpose with this earth? What is His purpose for me? Does God care about what happens in my day to day life? God wrote the Bible to inspire. He wrote the Bible to teach you about Him and His principles––and to encourage you to be like Him.

Giving Grace

by Jason Hensley. It is part of our natural tendency as humans to judge one another. We see someone act, and we immediately attempt to ascribe a motive––often the motive that we would have if we were to do the same thing. And yet, this form of judging is completely counter to what God calls us to do.

Yours Faithfully

by SJ Knight. This is an inspiring, affirming and encouraging book on the value of friendships between women. It is written in an easy-to-understand style like a one sided chat, with a dose of humor as well. You can almost hear the author sharing out loud as you read.

My Newfoundland Experience

by Ron Kidd. This heartwarming biography was written to share the history of the brothers and sisters on the island of Newfoundland, Canada. For those who have ever experienced the warm hospitality of the St. John’s ecclesia, you will thoroughly enjoy reading this personal detailed journey of the growth of God’s Truth on this remote island.

PDF Dictionary of Eureka

This PDF Dictionary gives a list of the words and definitions from the book series Eureka.

Genesis to Ruth - Bible Reading Journal

A journal for notetaking during Bible readings. Journaling suggestions and theme words to look for in each book of the Bible included.

1 Samuel to Job - Bible Reading Journal

A journal for notetaking during Bible readings. Journaling suggestions and theme words to look for in each book of the Bible included.​​

Psalms to Song of Solomon - Bible Reading Journal

A journal for notetaking during Bible readings. Journaling suggestions and theme words to look for in each book of the Bible included.​​

Prayer Journal Review

This book is a great little book to keep with you to jot down your thoughts during the day that you want to remember in your daily prayers.

Journibles Review

The developers of Journibles use Deut. 17:18 as their focus to literally write out scripture, to thus help the individual to retain more of scripture in the act of writing.

Your Christadelphian Library Podcast

This podcast promotes the reading of Christadelphian books as a way to expand biblical knowledge and stimulate spiritual thought.

Teen and Adult Audio Books

Visit this page to see our list of free audio books.

Childrens Book Reviews

Visit this page to see our list of children's book reviews.

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