Creation (CSSA Junior Stage 1 Lesson 2)

Junior Lesson The Creation – what an exciting opportunity to explore the Biblical record and dig a little deeper with children as they grow older. The CSSA notes focus a lot on the physical seven

Tabitha Class – Handicraft with a Purpose

{Thank you to Judy M. for this guest post!} “Mommy, can we join Brownies?”  This is the question that began a journey for our family to create spiritual alternative activities for our children.  For those

Lamb of God Review

“Lamb of God” is a musical portrayal of the final days of the life of Jesus Christ, from the foreshadowing raising of Lazarus, to the devastating arrest and crucifixion of Jesus, and finally to his

Lunchbox Bible Notes

This week is back to school week for many children in North America (some of our southern friends have already been back for a week or so!)  We thought it would be fun to put

Getting organized to teach Sunday School (CSSA Stage 1)

With another Sunday School year almost upon us, it is time for teachers to begin thinking about getting organized for their classes. Today’s post contains a few things to help teachers get ready! Introduction Letter

In Search of Life Audio Book

In Search of Life by Anna Tikvah At the funeral of her alcoholic father, Verity Lovell begins to realize how little she knows about what happens after death. Had her father really gone to heaven when

Lamentations Bible Reading Journal

If you are like me, you may have grown up with the daily Bible readings, and feel like you know all the Bible stories and what the books are about fairly well from repeated readings

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