Hymn Recordings

Did you know you can download accompaniments for all the hymns in the Christadelphian green hymn book?  This is a wonderful resource for an ecclesia that doesn’t have any pianists.  They can also be used

“Time Such As Never Was” Dramatic Presentation

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings,

Review of CSSA Materials

For those of us in North America, we are in the middle of summer and Bible school season … but it won’t be too long before we start thinking about the new Sunday School year.

Polished Cornerstones Book Review

Polished Cornerstones was a book that stood out to me as I was perusing a friend’s bookshelf. By the time I was done looking it over I knew we had to get it for our

Bible Themed Wedding Shower Games

Often in our joy and excitement of an upcoming wedding of a brother and sister, the ecclesia will put on a wedding shower for the couple. We have included two Bible-based wedding shower games that we have

Closer to God- Through the Hope of the Messiah

{Thank you to Kristen S. for providing the Closer to God summaries!} In this class we focus on Psalm 45 and how the hope of the Messiah brings us closer to God. Throughout the whole

Boys and Girls in the Kingdom Coloring Book

This coloring book by Holly Prater is wonderful introduction to young ones on life in the Kingdom.  The book includes coloring pages and also some activity pages all focused on the Kingdom.  The book is

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