Bible Reading Challenge – 2 Kings Activities

If you would like ideas for activities and extensions for your Bible Readings, this Bible Reading Challenge is for you!  Below you will find a challenge sheet filled with a variety of activities.  Some activities

“His Love” Verse Writing Plan for September

{Thank you to Julie S. for this verse writing plan.} He loved. He saw all of humanity as a family with one Father, all men as brothers, and each individual of boundless value. His love was

76. The Temptations of Christ Part 3

This is part 3 of 6 of the series “The Temptations of Christ” by Richard Morgan. It’s not about plucking verses out of thin air, it’s about understanding Scripture and applying it to our situation…

Minute Meditation #18 – Faith vs. Fear

Minute Meditation #18 by Bob Lloyd: Faith vs. Fear For more information on the Minute Meditation recordings, please see our first post in this series. If you are looking for more ways to hear &

An Engaging Online Sunday School

For many of us in North America, the beginning of the Sunday School year is looking very different than normal.  Over the past few months, we have become more familiar with tools such as Zoom

Upcoming CSSA Stage 3 Resources – Announcement

Dear Reader, For the past two Sunday School years, we have provided materials that support the CSSA Stages 1-2.  This has included: A memory verse system a Year-Long Lapbook craft Practical Challenge Review Sheets Activity

Bible Whiz Kids Videos

Bible Whiz Kids videos are a collection of videos that includes some Bible Story videos (books with the reader) along with some Bible Lessons for kids. If you’re looking for some wholesome videos for your

75. The Temptations of Christ Part 2

This is part 2 of 6 of the series “The Temptations of Christ” by Richard Morgan. This episode compares Israel’s experiences of forty years in the wilderness and with the temptations of Christ. Tune in

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