Revelation 1-6 Bible Marking Notes for Teens

Thank you to Andrew Dangerfield for sharing these Bible marking notes from his 2014-2016 Bible School Teens class! 1 – Revelation Introduction and Overview 2 – Revelation – Continuous-Historic Interpretation 3 – Revelation 1v1-8 He

59. Discipleship for Disciples Part Three: Philip

This episode, on the disciple Philip, is the third part of the series titled, “Discipleship for Disciples” by Caleb Osborn. Jesus is sufficient to fill all of our needs. Tune in again next week for

Recommended Gifts for Sunday School Prizegiving

The recommended gifts for Sunday School prize-giving has now been incorporated into Recommended Books and Gifts for Sunday School Prizegiving.  Please visit that post for the most up to date recommendations.   Many Sunday Schools

“His Endurance” Verse Writing Plan for May

{Thank you to Julie S. for this verse writing plan.} If anyone had to endure adverse circumstances, it was Jesus. He was misunderstood, maligned, and plotted against. He helped others to the point of his

Printable Mini Notes for Sharing Hope

{Thank you to Bailey M. for these note cards!} Print these note cards to share your faith and hope with friends and strangers.  You can write a personal message on the back or simply add

58. Discipleship for Disciples Part Two: Andrew

This episode, on the disciple Andrew, is the second part of the series titled, “Discipleship for Disciples” by Caleb Osborn. We must follow Andrew’s example of bringing people closer to Jesus. Tune in again next

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