The Wedding Series – The Ring

“And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and

Minute Meditation #8 – Accountability

Minute Meditation #8 by Bob Lloyd: Accountability For more information on the Minute Meditation recordings, please see our first post in this series.

CSSA Correspondence Sunday School Review

Thanks to Tirzah I. for this post! If you use the Christadelphian Sunday School Association’s Lesson Books, you may have noticed information about the Correspondence Sunday School in the back of the books. This is

Treasure Hunt Activity

{Thank you to Jenny H. for this treasure hunt!} This Bible based treasure hunt is easy to set up, and can provide a fun and challenging activity for your kids! Each clue requires the searcher

How to Set Up Your Own Escape Room!

Thanks to Lindsay B. for today’s post! Escape Rooms burst onto the scene a few years ago and have grown in popularity with many different ages & genres. Escape Rooms are a fun filled activity

First Principle Bible Marking Notes

{Thank you to Andrew Dangerfield for these Bible marking notes!} Each of these First Principle Bible Marking Notes are based on a specific chapter.  The chapter is chosen for each subject to give one central

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