CSSA Stage 2 Lapbook addition

Dear S.S. Teachers, We are very excited to share that thanks to the work of Julia H. we are able to share activities each week for a stage 2 lapbook. We have updated Lesson 1-3

Teen Podcast Episode 28 – Plucked out of the Fire

This episode titled “Plucked out of the Fire” is the second in the series “The Gospel of the Burning Bush” by Jay Mayock.  Tune in next week for next episode in this series on Magnify

Bible Marking Notes: 2 Kings 17-18, 22-25

{Thank you to Christadelphianstudies.com for these Bible marking sheet!} As the daily Bible readings come to the declining years of Israel and Judah, you may find these Bible marking sheets helpful as a teaching (or

Developing a Dynamic Sunday School Program Part 1

Thanks to Dan O. for today’s post.  As many have noted, our Sunday Schools provide the most fertile and responsive soil for the Sower’s seed.  Each week we have opportunity to water and nurture the

Meat for Israel (CSSA Primary Stage 2 Lesson 1)

We start our Sunday School year with so much hope and possibility. The children of Israel are camped only a few days journey from “the land flowing with milk and honey”. A short trip and

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