Teen Podcast Episode 18 – Apathy

Inside of us God has put this deeper yearning for something eternal – for something that lasts forever…  This episode titled “Apathy” is the third in a series of four by Matt Colby.  Tune in

“God Is…” Verse Writing Plan for July

{Thank you to Julie S. for this verse writing plan, and Abi S. for the artwork} God is kind.  This month’s Scripture writing plan focuses on another attribute of God.  (For last month’s verse list

The Kingdom Activity Book

This small activity book was originally put together for an ecclesial study day.  The topic for the adult studies was “The Judgment Seat of Christ” so we put together an activity book for the children

Teen Podcast Episode 17 – Anger

Jesus said, “When you stand praying – forgive.  If you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also which is in heaven will forgive you your trespasses…”  Forgiveness is the answer to anger. This

Ruth Study

{Thank you to Julie S. for this post and Ruth workbook!} The book of Ruth is such an inspiring story: a sad beginning, but such a happy ending! It is the kind of story that

Bible Marking Notes for Ruth and Revelation 3

{Thank you to Dan R. for these Bible marking sheets!} As the daily Bible readings come to the story of Ruth in the first portion and Revelation in the third, you can use these Bible

The Glory of God Activity Book

This small activity book was originally put together for an ecclesial study day on “The Glory of God”.  It is aimed at 5 to 8 year olds. The workbook could also be used at home

Teen Podcast Episode 16 – Fear

When you live in fear, it is very hard to live in faith… This episode titled “Fear” is the first in a series of four by Matt Colby.  Tune in next week for an episode

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