Review of is a website that is coordinated by a group of brethren in Perth, Western Australia.  Of particular interest to us, there is a section on this website with resources for Sunday School.  The resources correspond

Review of Seedbed Psalms (Psalms set to meter!)

Sing the Psalms! Singing is an amazing tool for helping God’s word to stick in your mind so you can meditate on it. Psalms Seedbed Website* has taken each Psalm and set it to meter,

Celebrating Purim

Purim is the Jewish feast written of in the book of Esther. Although it is not one of the Feasts initiated by God in the Law of Moses, it does have deep scriptural significance. The

Psalm 119 Bible Reading Journal

{Thank you to Julie S. for this post and Bible Reading Journal!} Have you ever considered how the Psalms are written to mirror the emotions and conflicts in our hearts and then prompt them in

Bible Memory Song Box Idea

Thanks to Michelle F. for today’s post! Have you noticed how hard it is to forget an advertising jingle, no matter how hard you try?  Put the memory power of song to good use by

Teen Podcast Episode 01 – Introduction

In addition to our current bi-weekly End of Week Encouragement Podcast series on Fridays, we’re excited to introduce Magnify Him Together Teen Podcasts for Mondays!  This intro podcast will fill you in on what’s ahead,

Newly Launched Christadelphian Music Website!

Introducing the launched today website: The website currently has its first album “Hope Thou in God” available , with more to come soon, God willing.

End of Week Encouragement Podcast Episode 02 – Doing

    “Trust in the Lord, and do good.”  Listen to Episode 02 and think about… what is it your faith is causing you to do?     Episode 02 – Doing Play in

Review Board Game (CSSA Stages 1 to 5)

Thanks to Marilyn S. for our post today. This board game has been designed to be played with any of the five stages of the CSSA notes for Division 5-8 (Primary).  It can also be

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