CYC Activity: Bible Cake Decorating

Thanks to Sarah O. for this post! This CYC activity was based off of Hebrews 11. The CYC was split into teams with equal amount of people on each team. The teams were given a

Isaac and Rebekah: Video Devotion Series for Kids

This ten minute morning devotion series was originally recorded by Bryan Styles for the Ontario Christadelphian Heritage College.  Full of great practical lessons for children and teens, these devotions are a great start to the

“It Is Written” New Book by Jason Hensley

Have you ever wished that you knew a Bible verse that related to your specific situation? Have you ever wondered what the Bible teaches about a particular subject? Or have you ever simply wanted to

Psalm Medley on Audio

Psalms Audio – David Moore Song of the Bow Audio – David Moore DAVID MOORE READS THE PSALMS   (also, The Song of the Bow) English-born, Bro David Moore was a former ABC radio actor, announcer,

My Newfoundland Experience (Book Review)

This heartwarming biography was written to share the history of the brothers and sisters on the island of Newfoundland, Canada. For those who have ever experienced the warm hospitality of the St. John’s ecclesia, you

Current Event Newspaper Template for Kids

The signs showing the nearness of Christ’s return seem to be increasing by the day.  Get your children in on the excitement with this newspaper template.  You can use it to tell them about the

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